


The 体育彩票外围平台州立大学 Black 校友 Advisory Council will bring together Montclair graduates who are of African descent in the Diaspora, connecting them to their alma mater and engaging them in preparing today’s students for academic and career success. Their inaugural gathering took place on campus during 同学会 2021, providing an opportunity for alumni to come back to campus to reconnect with the 大学 and with each other.


The Black 校友 Advisory Council was created to engage Black alumni in support of the 体育彩票外围平台州立大学 mission of educational, 机构和整体大学社区倡议, policies and activities that strengthen relationships with the Black community and promote social justice, 校友和学生之间的公平和包容.


  • To sponsor networking opportunities and events for Black alumni
  • To develop an annual BAAC event at 体育彩票外围平台州立大学
  • To participate in 体育彩票外围平台州立大学 同学会 activities
  • To develop an annual fundraising initiative to support 体育彩票外围平台州立大学 and 体育彩票外围平台州立大学 Foundation priorities
  • To support EOF scholarships and other 体育彩票外围平台州立大学 Foundation endeavors
  • To sponsor and/or co-sponsor an annual Black History Month event
  • To engage the 体育彩票外围平台州立大学 community on issues that impact our Diaspora


“我们今天的处境始于体育彩票外围平台州立大学,82岁的乔安妮·鲍曼说, 哥伦比亚大学人力资源总监, referring to the Black students she knew during her days as a college student and later as a young alumna. “我发现自己想重新加入这个网络, 一起做某事, 更大更有意义的东西.”

布伦达·科尔曼-考德威尔,78年, an assistant director of human resources for New Jersey Turnpike Authority, 我也有同样的感觉. “Joanne and I had kept in touch with a lot of people through the Black 校友 Association, 但是这个组织解散了,她说。. In the years since, their idea of what an alumni organization could be began to change and grow.

They decided that it was time to have a conversation with their friend 格雷格·柯林斯,79年, who also happened to be the newly appointed chair of the 体育彩票外围平台州立大学 Foundation board.
“Brenda invited me to what I thought was a casual lunch,” Collins recalls with a chuckle. “Instead, she laid out their vision for the Black 校友 Advisory Council. 我喜欢我听到的!”

“现在正是时候, given everything that has been happening in our community and around the world,鲍曼解释道. “变化正在浮出水面, putting diversity and social justice front and center in our schools, 教堂和社区. 有一种紧迫感,我们希望以此为基础.”

If you are interested in joining the network or serving on the planning committee, please complete 这个简短的调查 向我们介绍一下你自己, your interests and your thoughts on developing future activities. 表达你的支持!

乔安妮·鲍曼(Joanne Bowman), 1982年,总裁
布伦达科尔曼考德威尔' 78 -副总裁
Jeffrey L. 约翰逊83年
兰德尔J. 客89

同样,如果您有兴趣加入,请填写 这个简短的调查.


支持未来的BAAC计划,并捐赠给 黑人校友谘询委员会行动基金. 各种大小的礼物都会产生直接的影响. 你在支持者的礼物, Advocate and Benefactor levels enables the BAAC to develop opportunities to build and strengthen the alumni network and support student success.



黑人校友咨询委员会(BAAC) Juneteenth Barbecue – June 10, 2023

Black alumni and friends gathered for food, games, music and dancing to honor Juneteenth. Future Red Hawks (children) enjoyed face painting, cotton candy and glitter tattoos. 大家度过了一段美妙的时光.

Black alumni and friends gather at the Black 校友 Barbecue.



黑人校友咨询委员会(BAAC) Holiday Social – December 8, 2022

为了保持首届BAAC晚会的势头, Black alumni of all ages gathered together at the Montclair Brewery for drinks and a chance to network, 新年前最后一次.



More than 110 alumni and friends came together in October for the first-ever Black 校友 Advisory Council gala to honor former Associate Dean of Students and 大学 Ombudsman James Harris ’68 ’70 MA, recognize BAAC Rising Star Medinah Muhammad ’16 and celebrate the legacy of Sam Mills ’81. 晚会的收入将用于紧急图书基金, EOF图书基金和James Harris图书基金


Past Events: Black History Month – 泽西四人组 at 体育彩票外围平台州立大学 – February 16, 2022


The Black 校友 Advisory Council hosted a special program for Black History Month in 2022. 泽西四人组举办了一个讨论小组,由 Jason Williams, 体育彩票外围平台州立大学 Professor of Justice Studies 2022年2月16日.

In 1998, Rayshawn Brown, Jarmaine Grant, Keshon Moore and Danny Reyes, known as 泽西四人组, were headed to North Carolina to go after their dreams of attending a four-year college and playing professional basketball. But their dreams ended when they became victims of a police shooting during a traffic stop on the New Jersey Turnpike. 23 years later, racial profiling continues as the cries for social justice get louder.

在这23年里, 泽西四人组 have been actively committed to the work of social justice and community charity. They are examples of strength, growth, perseverance and survival. They have worked with major nonprofit organizations in the Tri-State Area, 而今天都正式并入了自己的公司 J4通过2协助基金会. They remain committed to giving back within their communities and fighting for social justice for all.

要查看 泽西四人小组讨论.


If you would like additional information regarding the Black 校友 Advisory Council, 联系校友活动办公室的珍妮·马拉诺 maranoj@01001111.net or 973-655-5333.


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