photo of campus entrance


Student Center
Telephone: 973-655-4310

The Bookstore provides all required textbooks and stocks items of general use. Included in the general use category are greeting cards, stationery, school supplies, insignia items and gifts, general books, text preparation guides and clothing.

All faculty orders for required texts and other equipment and materials are placed with the University Bookstore through the members of the department. Follett Discover is a comprehensive set of tools enabling hassle-free access for Professors and students to all course-support materials. Professors can use this tool to research, discover and adopt course materials with ease – while students are better prepared for class by having easy access to manage their course materials quickly, effectively and before the semester begins. Follett Discover has been integrated into the Montclair State Canvas learning management system (Canvas). In order for textbooks to be available before the start of the semester all ordering deadlines must be met. New faculty members requesting advice on ordering procedures should contact the Textbook Department ( as early as possible so that orders may be placed for the upcoming semester.

The Bookstore does not supply desk copies of textbooks. Faculty members should request desk copies of assigned texts directly from the publisher on forms supplied by the Bookstore. Faculty are not permitted to purchase books for resale on campus.

Hours of operation are posted at the Bookstore, are available on the Bookstore website at